How long should a crossbody strap be? The length of a crossbody strap should be based on the height of the wearer.
Women and men within the height range of 5ft can wear crossbody straps that are between 16 to 18 inches long. It could be shorter depending on the choice of the wearer and the design of the bag.
I’ve not seen where very long straps that are ankle-length were used for fashion purposes.
There are some who believe in being different and distinctively unique in their choice of outfit but I’ll advise that you do not do the ‘over extra’ in a bid to remain true to your unique identity.
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The best length for crossbody bag straps should be somewhere around your upper hips. This is because very short straps can get too tight and discomforting while very long straps can cause an obstruction to your movement.
It’s easier to trip over and fall if your bag is touching somewhere beneath your knees and around your legs.

The maximum length of a crossbody strap should range from 18″ to 75″ depending on the height of the wearer. This is because tall people have a tendency to need longer straps that can contain their height whereas average-height people need shorter straps.
Crossbody bags with very long straps when worn by an average-height person, even though it’s by choice, can be mistaken for an oversized bag.

A crossbody bag should hit your waist and drop down a bit to your hips. This gives you the freedom to do whatever you want to do without any obstructions coming from your bag.
It’s important to know that the strap’s length is quite different from the drop length.
The strap length refers to the measurement of the straps whereas the drop length deals with where the top of the bag meets the top of the straps while hanging across your shoulder or on a doorknob.
In choosing a bag to wear, it’s important to put into consideration the strap length and the drop length as this would help you determine the best outfit that goes with the length of your bag.
If you are going to wear a jacket, for instance, your drop length should not be below your hips.
But if it’s a tight polo or a gown, you can go for shorter straps that can hug your chest and drop somewhere beneath your left or right breast, depending on the side you prefer.
It can still be somewhere around your upper back if you want to push the bag to the back.
There are situations where your bags have longer or shorter straps than required. While dumping the bag might seem like a good idea and going for the bag that has the right length you are looking for, here’s what you can do to make your straps right.
Method 1:
Get a long rope.
Remove the defaulting straps from the bag and replace them with the rope.
Get new straps. It’s advisable to get very long ones.
Adjust the ropes till they are the right length you need for your bag.
Make a mark (with a chalk or marker) on the ropes to indicate what you’ve measured out and detach the ropes
With the new long straps you’ve bought, measure out the exact length you want to get with the already existing measurement you made with the ropes.
Please this technique is only necessary if the old straps are shorter than you want and cannot be adjusted to the length you want.
However, if the straps are longer than you want, you can always adjust them to the size of your choice.
Method 2:
Instead of using a rope, you can get a bag that has the right length of straps and measure out the exact length which will be replicated on the bag with the defaulting strap length.

Crossbody bags with 60-inch straps are usually best worn by people who are 6 ft and above.
This is due to the standard placed on strap length which stipulates that people with average height should wear straps not longer than 32 to 40 inches as this might make the bag appear oversized and discomforting for the wearer.
You probably have this one bag that you love the most because of how it fits your body size and how it gracefully hits your upper thighs whenever you wear it and because of these reasons, you can’t afford to wear any other bag.
Now there’s a guide on how to get other bags with similar strap lengths. Ask me how.
Do you have a door? I bet you do. And I’m also certain that your door has a knob so this is going to be pretty easy to explain.
Hang your bag on your doorknob, move back and observe what you’ve done.
You will see that your straps are straight in two vertical lines joined together by the little curve that is resting on the doorknob while the bag itself drops down below the straps.
You can get a ruler or tape and measure out the length from the top of your bag upwards to the point where the straps meet the door knob.
Please note that the measurement starts from the top, mostly where the main zip or the main flap stays, and not from the base because we are not measuring the bag in its entirety.
Rather we only want to find out where the straps begin and end and how long or short they are so that we can be guided in our subsequent purchases.
Once this is done, write down what you measured out. If you are correct, it will probably range from 16″ to 60″ or 70″ depending on the length of the straps.
Whenever you want to buy a bag, this measurement will help you determine the length of the straps you should go for.
With this strategy, scenarios like, “I love this bag but I can’t carry it out because the straps are too short for me or because the straps are too long for me”, will be avoided.

The same way a crossbody bag with very long straps would appear too long for someone who is slim is the same way a crossbody bag with short straps would appear too short for someone who is plus-sized even though he has an average height.
Why is this so? Body mass has a major effect on the choice of strap length. This is because people with a larger body mass index consume more materials than people with a smaller body mass index.
Hence when selecting a bag for someone, the major focus should not only be on the height of the wearer, the size of the wearer should also be taken into consideration as bags with longer straps are better for people with a bigger body mass index regardless of their height.
Simply put a strap drop length measures the distance between the top of the straps to the top of the bag when it’s hung on a pole, nail, or doorknob or when it’s worn across the body.
The strap length differs from the drop length in the sense that the strap length focuses on how long or how short the straps are when detached from the bag or even when still attached to the bag.
The drop length focuses on the length of the straps in relation to where it meets the bag.
The 70-inch crossbody strap is a length measurement size for crossbody straps that are longer than the regular lengths.
This size is mostly used by taller people or plus-sized people because it gives more room and comfort to the wearer.
Tall heights can’t fit into short straps and short straps when hanging somewhere above the stomach and are not meant to be so by design can be seen as undersized.
Apart from being undersized, it can be discomforting, especially for someone who is plus-sized.
I guess that’s why manufacturers took out the time to produce straps with different sizes both in length and width for different body sizes.
You can decide to measure your bag strap length in inches and you can as well choose to measure it in centimeters.
Regardless of the measurement pattern, you decide to use, the most important thing is getting the measurement right and using it effectively when selecting your perfect strap length.
Measuring in centimeters can be done using tape. You can choose to do this while your bag hangs. It could be on the door knob or even on a nail pinned against a wall.
You can as well do a quick one while en route or at the store. Simply get your tape and measure from where the straps touch your shoulder down diagonally to the opposite waist where the straps touch the top of your bag.
It could be 19cm or 75cm depending on the strap drop length, that’s how you get a bag strap length guide in centimeters.
The average crossbody strap length is normally within 45 to 60 inches long.
This is so that it is easier to cross the bag over your head and wear it diagonally as the design entails.
There are some who will say that 50 inches are the average length a crossbody should have. Whichever way, an average crossbody length is usually not less than 45 inches.
Crossbody straps are measured in inches and centimeters. A major consideration in the measurement of crossbody straps is the length of the straps.
The width can also come into play but more focus is placed on the length because it plays an intricate role in the comfort of the wearer.
Follow the steps below on how to make a crossbody strap:
Get a leather strip.
Cut the leather strip into 2 unequal parts, one side should be shorter preferably 12 inches long while the other side should be longer.
Make a curvy and smooth edge on the two strips using a round end punch.
Place your leather strip on top of the foam, get a rotary cutter and place it directly on the spot you want to cut, this should be preferably a half inch away from the edge of the strip.
Get a hammer and make a punch on the rotary cutter, this will give you the curve-shaped edge you need to give your straps a beautiful look.
Get your bag and sew the leather strips neatly on the bag. You can do this using a needle and thread if you don’t have a sewing machine.
Sew the strips one after the other. The longer strip on one side, preferably the left side of the bag, and the shorter strip on the right side of the bag.
Please note: using two strips is preferable for adjustable straps so that it’s easy to attach the buckles to the shorter straps.
Get a knife, scissors, or even a nail, and make some holes on the long strip where the buckles can be conjoined.
This done, test your bag by slinging it across your body and try buckling your new straps to see if it works.
How long a crossbody bag strap should be is highly dependent on a lot of things.
But the most important things one should consider in trying to select a perfect strap length should be the height of the wearer and the body mass index of the wearer.
People within and above 6.5 ft should go for longer straps while people within 5.2 ft can use the shorter straps.
But when a person is within 5 ft with a larger body mass index, the straps should be a bit longer than the length for people within the same height range.