According to relationship specialists, there are five basic love languages via which people experience love. Physical touch, spending time, gifts, words of affirmation, and acts of service are examples.
We’ll be talking about gifts today. Everyone enjoys receiving gifts; it is one of the most prevalent ways to demonstrate affection for loved ones.
Are you considering purchasing a handbag as a gift? One challenge you will have is deciding how to gift a handbag in terms of wrapping ideas so that the recipient has no idea what is inside.
Keep the memories alive by following the easy but meaningful hacks in this article on different ways to offer a gift handbag to that particular someone.
Table of Contents

In the sight of discussing how to gift a handbag, let’s first look at what is a gift bag.
Gift Bag is those bags that are decorated or beautifully designed, especially for gift giving, and can be used multiple times for that purpose.
If you want to make yours, I will share some DIY tips below.
What you’ll need. You will need these:
- A tape
- A ribbon
Step 1: You will need to measure the width of your gift.
Once you ascertain how much paper you need, you can then fold the wrapping paper in half. You can seal it with tape and fold the bottom end up.
Step 2: You will open the bottom end so the inside of the paper is revealed. Then you fold the left and right edges in and fold the top and bottom in as well. Then use tape to seal all of the folds.
Step 3: You will flip the bag and open it. Then, place your gift in and fold the top over.
Step 4: You can punch holes and insert your ribbon to seal.
Other things to keep in mind:

To be sure that the gift bag you create can hold up, remember the following:
AA medium-weight wrapping paper is ideal because it’s sturdy, but it’s not difficult to fold.
Make sure that your bag is twice as tall as it is wide.
Items that are extremely tall and/or heavy are not the best for gift bags.
A piece of cardboard at the bottom of the bag makes it sturdier.
If you notice that something feels flimsy, just add more tape.
You can use the following to decorate the gift bag that you made out of wrapping paper:
- Fun ribbon
- Letters
- Pretty photo
- Candy

If you want to gift a handbag, one of the first things to do is to decide if you want to wrap it or not.
If you want to wrap it, you should ask yourself how you want to go about it- do you want to wrap it with tissue paper, a wrapping sheet, with a box in a wrapping sheet, or without a box?
When you’ve decided, if you decide to wrap it, for instance, you can now start wrapping the handbag as a gift to a loved one.
Let me share a few steps in case you want to quickly wrap the handbag without a box and it comes out beautiful!
Things you will need:
- Get a wrapping paper
- Tape
- Premade bow
- Scissors
- Gift card
Steps on how to wrap a handbag as a Gift
1. First, lay the handbag flat on the wrapping paper.
2. Bring the wrapping sheet around the handbag.
3. Fold the rough edges of the wrapping paper.
4. Use Cello tape just to hold it in place.
5. Use the finishing sim (the folded rough edge) & position it probably at the bottom of the bag; the remainder will then be tucked underneath. It’s important to get your positioning ready.
6. Add some double tape to secure roughly the width of the satchel.
7. Remove the tape & stick.
8. Crisp and fold sides – do all the wrapping at the sides and fold the paper over twice and then secure with tape and also place the tape at the ends.
9. Repeat the same at the other end.
10. You can turn the wrapped handbag over and add a gift card & the premade bow on it; your handbag is ready to be gifted!
There are various handbag gift-wrapping ideas but I have chosen this one easy idea for you to follow;
1. Measure your paper to make sure it wraps around the handbag.
2. Measure and fold the paper about halfway down the side of the handbag. This will create a neat edge.
3. Place double-sided tape along the edge of the fold.
4. You want the paper to be snug and even around the handbag.
5. Place double-sided tape along the edge of the fold.
6. Now start folding the sides.
7. First fold around the top.
8. Now fold the bottom half.
9. Making those folds will help the paper stay in place.
10. Now fold the bottom half.
11. Use double-sided Tape to keep paper edges together.
12. Place double-sided tape on both sides.
13. Pull down and secure the first flap.
14. Now for the side, fold the corner to match the edges of the first flap.
15. Fold the corner back to the underside.
16. Place double-sided tape along the edges.
17. Pull the flap & tap down.
18. Both sides will be done the same.
19. For the final details, add a ribbon.
20. Trim the end to your liking.
I am going to explain the best 5 ways on how to gift wrap a handbag without a box. See and follow the procedures below;
Candy Style on wrapping a handbag without a Box
This is the easiest wrapping style:
First, you roll the item or you can simply put the gift in the middle of the wrapping paper and cover it.
You will need to measure the wrapping paper and cut off the excess. You can leave a little bit extra on both sides.
You can secure the back with cello tapes, then scrunch the top and button. You can take a ribbon and double knot one end. You can repeat the same with the ribbon on the other end. Don’t forget to curl the ribbons
Bottle Style on wrapping a handbag without a Box
For this, all you need in this box style is wrapping paper and ribbon; you will be done with this in a few minutes.
And remember that you can roll the item or simply place the gift in the middle and measure the wrapping paper.
Always cut off the excess paper to keep it neat.
You can always secure the middle of the wrapping paper with cello tape.
Fold at the end of the wrapping paper to get a cylindrical shape
Then scrunch the top of the wrapping paper and secure it with a ribbon tie.
Bag Style – Wrapping a handbag without a Box
Do you know that you can wrap your gift in a bag-style wrapping idea and you won’t even need a paper bag for the gift? How does this make you feel? Cool right? Yeah
All you need to do is place the gift on the wrapping paper, then measure and cut off the excess for neatness; a square or rectangular-shaped gift would be more appropriate
You can then Push the gift toward the bottom of the wrapping paper, then leave excess space on the top.
You can fold the bottom inwards as you do while wrapping the box gift.
You can now scrunch the top or fold it in an envelope shape. Then secure the scrunch with a ribbon tie.
Pillow Box Style – Wrapping a Handbag without a Box
This is gift-wrapping idea for small tokens like money, gift cards, chapstick,s or anything else.
Just take a core I.e. a cardboard piece of toilet paper roll and flatten it.
Then fold the top and bottom inside to form crescent-shaped flaps.
You can put the gift inside and then secure the flaps.
Now you can make a runner from the wrapping paper which will cover only half of the gift in the middle.
Lastly, you need to tie the ribbon on the top and you may add a gift tag if you want.
Envelope Style Method – Wrapping a Handbag without a Box
This is usually a traditional way of wrapping gifts without a box.
Gifts look neat and clean in this wrapping style.
First, measure the wrapping paper and then cut off the excess.
Then place the gift item in the middle, fold the sides of the paper inwards and tape it up.
Now, fold the sides at the top and bottom.
Fold the edge in a triangular shape inwards and then the middle one so it’s straight. Fold it again and tape it off. Repeat with the other side as well.
Tie the ribbon horizontally and vertically across the gift.
Wow! You know if you’re a guy and you are planning a surprise for her you could add these little things inside the handbag you’re gifting her:
- You can start with a sweet love note.
- You can add jewelry
- Then if you have a memorable photo of the two of you, please add it.
- This one! You need to get a pair of tickets to an event. Yes!
- You can add her favorite lip product or color.
- Then maybe a gift card to her favorite store or coffee house too!
Lastly, a good currency note will work too, you know that money does wonders to the heart especially coming from you to her! What a gifted handbag with all these! Yes!

First, you have your tote bag and a box to fix it into.
– You can get a big photograph or a beautiful wrapping sheet.
– Find the edges & align them, try not to crisp them yet.
– Insert your box (with the tote bag in it) for formation, and turn it over on a hard surface
– You can use a chopstick to crisp the bottom of your box, and it will give a lot of stability when you’re setting it on a table.
– This is a work of art from the heart so your focus is not perfect button bringing out something lovely, creative, and good.
– Insert the box again for the formation and bring out the long size first, then bring down the short edge, and pinch it down; just like you’re wrapping a regular present.
– So you fold the sides over but remember to show the most beautiful part of the big photograph or wrapping sheet while wrapping.
– Use the cello tape on the sides – just a little
– And of course, you can add a gift card & ribbon if you want.
Things you will need:
– Get a wrapping paper
– Precut cello tape for sustainability
– Premade bow
– Scissors
– Gift card
– The full tape
1. First, lay the satchel bag flat on the wrapping paper.
2. Bring the wrapping sheet around the satchel.
3. Fold the rough edges of the wrapping paper.
4. Use tape just to hold it in place.
5. Use the finishing sim (the folded rough edge) & position it probably at the bottom of the bag; the remainder will then be tucked underneath. It’s important to get your positioning ready.
6. Add some double tape to secure roughly the width of the satchel.
7. Remove the tape & stick.
8. Crisp and fold sides – do all the wrapping at the sides and fold the paper over twice and then secure with tape and also place the tape at the ends.
9. Repeat the same at the other end.
10. You can turn the wrapped satchel over and add a gift card & the premade bow on it; then you have your wrapped satchel!

Things you will need:
Get a wrapping paper
– Precut cello tape for sustainability
– Premade bow
– Scissors
– Ribbon
– Gift card
1. Spread the wrapping paper on the table
2. Find a box slightly larger than the handbag. The handbag should fit in the box without having to be bent, crushed, or jammed. It should fit snugly, without any extra room for the handbag to move or slide around.
3. Then fold the rough edges and bend them over but under the bag.
4. Then fold the edges and put the cello tape on it for stability
5. Repeat 4 on the other edges
6. Fix your gift card
7. Lastly use ribbon to make a bow on it; you have the handbag wrapped with wrapping paper!
Things You’ll Need
1. A Shoulder Bag
2. A Box
3. Tissue paper
5. Tape
6. Scissors
7. Ribbon
8. Bow
9. Gift card
Step 1
Choose a wrapping paper, tissue paper, a ribbon, and a bow that complement one another in terms of color or design pattern.
– Try to find a box slightly larger than the shoulder bag.
The shoulder bag you want to gift should fit in the box without having to be bent, crushed,d or jammed; Perfect fitting without the purse sliding around.
Step 2
Lay several pieces of tissue paper in the bottom of the box then place the shoulder bag in the box and don’t forget to cover it with additional tissue paper. Use tissue paper to fill any empty spots in the box, such as the corners – perfect fit
Step 3
Now, roll out the wrapping paper, design side down, on a flat surface large enough to work on. Place the box upside down in the center of the paper; then bring two opposing ends of the paper together, lying flat, at the center of the top of the box. Be sure that one side overlaps the other by 1 or 2 inches; then you can cut off any excess paper.
Step 4
Pull the paper tightly and be sure to smooth out any wrinkles to make it come out neatly done, then secure it with tape.
Step 5
You can turn the box so that one of the sides that are open faces you, then fold the top of the wrapping paper down; i.e. against the side of the box.
Fold the right and left sides toward the center. You can bring the remaining bottom piece up, smoothing out any wrinkles, then pull all sides of the paper together tightly and secure it with tape. Turn the box around and repeat this process for the other side.
Step 6
To make it look beautiful, adorn it with ribbon or bows and a gift card. Your wrapped shoulder bag is ready.
Christmas is approaching and the desire for gift wrapping will soon be on the increase; so if you want to gift wrap a purse for Christmas, read on!
Things You’ll Need
1. A Purse
2. A Box
3. Tissue paper
4. Wrapping paper
5. Tape
6. Scissors
7. Ribbon
8. Bow
9. Gift card
Before I show you the process, let me say this: To gift wrap a purse for Christmas, you must decide how you want the wrapped purse to look.
It can be fun, creative, simple,e or elegant. After deciding, you can choose from the wide variety of wrapping paper available or you can create your own, then you can complete your gift wrapping with ribbon and a bow.
Once a gift is beautifully wrapped, the recipient will be eager to know what’s inside,e, especially during Christmas!
Step 1
Always choose a wrapping paper, tissue paper, a ribbon,n and a bow that complement one another for an all-around beauty.
– Next, you need to find a box slightly larger than the purse.
The purse you want to gift should fit in the box without having to be bent, crushed,d or jammed; Perfect fitting without the purse sliding around.
Step 2
Try to lay several pieces of tissue paper in the bottom of the box then place the purse in the box and don’t forget to cover it with additional tissue paper. It’s important to use tissue paper to fill any empty spots in the box, such as the corners for perfect fitting
Step 3
Try to roll out the wrapping paper, design side down, on a flat surface large enough to work on. Now place the box upside down in the center of the paper; then bring two opposing ends of the paper together, lying flat, at the center of the top of the box. Check properly and make sure that one side overlaps the other by 1 or 2 inches; then you can cut off any excess paper
Step 4
Try to pull the paper tightly and make sure you smooth out any wrinkles to make it come out neatly done, then secure it with tape.
Step 5
Now, turn the box so that one of the sides that are open faces you, then fold the top of the wrapping paper down; I.e. against the side of the box.
Now fold the right and left sides toward the center. You can bring the remaining bottom piece up, smoothing out any wrinkles to make it neat, then pull all sides of the paper together tightly and secure it with tape. Then turn the box around and repeat this process for the other side
Step 6
For adornment, you can do that ribbon or bows and a gift card.
Here you go! That’s your wrapped purse for Christmas!

Things you’ll need:
1. A couple of sheets of tissue paper
2. Some tape
First, lay 2-3 pieces of tissue paper on top of one another on a table.
– Then pick out several pieces of tissue paper, either all in one color or multiple different colors.
– You can spread them out on a flat surface, layering them on top of one another evenly.
– When you lay several pieces of tissue paper on top of one another, it prevents your gift from being seen through the paper.
– Then, choose pieces of tissue paper that aren’t too crumpled for a smooth and neat look.
Step 2:
Now, you need to place your gift in the center of the tissue paper to check the sizing.
– Then pull the sides of the tissue paper over the gift to make sure it’s large enough to cover each side. Note that if your piece of tissue paper is too big, you can either trim it using scissors or fold the excess over the edges.
Now, set the gift down on the tissue paper face down.
Step 3:
– You can now fold one edge of the tissue paper around and over the top of the gift. With the gift placed on the tissue paper, you can fold an edge of the tissue paper over the gift tightly. Gently hold this edge in place covering a side of the gift so it doesn’t fall off.
So this article has nicely captured how to gift a handbag and we have clearly made so easy for you to find simple answers to your questions.
From how to wrap a purse for the coming Christmas, how to gift wrap a shoulder bag, how to wrap a handbag with wrapping paper, how to wrap a purse in tissue paper, what gifts go with a handbag, how do you gift wrap a tote bag, how do you wrap a satchel, gift wrapping ideas and of course some gift bags suggestions for you!
Thanks for reading this article and keep sharing.